What Should You Expect from Branding Guidelines?

A brand style book is an important document every business should take the time to create.

Branding guidelines ensure brand consistency across multiple marketing platforms and mediums. Furthermore, a style book contains all the information to help create whatever your business needs – a business card, stationery, marketing collateral, internal memo or anything else, making it easy for you to get things done.

But what should you expect from your branding guidelines? Let’s take a look.

Visual Tone

Every business is unique and so is your brand as is your look. Tone is established by listing the attributes any creative work should feature.

In this section of your branding guidelines, list out all the attributes your brand stands for. These visual attributes will indicate space to get creative while also providing a structure to follow. This brings consistency in your brand and message.

Here are some words you may want to use to set the visual tone for your brand:

  • Fun
  • Creative
  • Positive
  • Enthusiastic
  • Bold
  • Confident

Colour Palette

Your branding guidelines must list out the exact colours used in your logo including the name of the colours and codes for different uses like HEX, CMYK and RGB.

Don’t forget to include information about the second colour palette. These are supporting colours that could be used to bring variety or interest to other components. So think about all the complementary colours that can enhance the primary palette and list them. Once you have decided on these you will not want to change them.

Alongside this, ensure that the guidelines mention all the acceptable colour variations of your logo.

Pull up displays using branding guideilines


Be sure to outline all the unacceptable uses of your logo and support your points with examples. This will help those creating material on your behalf to understand what not to do with your logo – what colours they shouldn’t be using, whether they can make the background transparent, the minimum size for use, etc.


It’s a good idea to set up guidelines and templates. This ensures consistency and best practice.

By preparing some templates, you can help curb excessive creative freedom with the layout.

Business cards using templates created from branding guidelines


Illustrations and photography can play a crucial role in identifying your brand.

Establish a consistent style for your brand imagery right at the outset. This section of the guide book will typically feature a sample of images that are appropriate and ones that aren’t.

The focus would essentially be on composition, light and subject matter.  

In Conclusion

A consistent and inspiring brand identity helps create the right connection with your audience. For best results, keep your branding guidelines simple, collaborative and accessible.

If you need branding guidelines produced or uniquely creative branding solutions, contact us at The Design Hive on…

Picture of Melanie
Mel is the Creative Director/Owner of The Design Hive. Mel has put her heart and soul into building up the business and is truly passionate about the the industry and our clients.