Whatever we know about a product we use is the result of branding. Your brand is the bridge that connects you and your customers.
However, most small businesses see themselves as a business rather than a brand. They are so focused on generating sales and improving revenue that they forget the value of branding.
They believe that branding is for big businesses with huge budgets and a nationwide presence. Given this line of thought, most settle with a fun logo and some jazzy business cards at best.
However, branding is good for your small business whether you are a start-up, an online store or a brick and mortar business. Here are 4 reasons why.
1.Branding helps you to stand out from the competition
You go to a convenience store to buy a bottle of water. What would you choose? Perhaps Aquafina, Evian, Mountain Valley or Nestle Pure Life? You might not even look at other brands unless there are no other options.
That’s branding for you.
Branding sets a perception about the quality of a product/service in the minds of the consumers.
A strong brand image helps differentiate your product from the rest. At the end of the day, a strong brand will help you stand out from all the other businesses and products cluttering the market.
2. Branding creates trust
Here at The Design Hive, we believe branding is another word for ‘trust building’.
Your consumers prefer easy decisions. No one likes to scan a dozen options in order to find a product that’s right for them.
When they see a product or an offer, they want to know whether they can trust you- subconsciously and consciously.
Branding evokes an emotional response from your prospects. If the right emotions are triggered in the shortest possible time, you increase the chances of people saying ‘yes’ to you.
Therefore, a well-strategised brand image and a professional appearance will go a long way in building trust with your target audience.
3. Branding amplifies your message
A strong brand positioning helps you tell your story. It gives you a direction whether you are writing copy or crafting your messaging.
In the absence of a brand positioning, you would have a hard time writing copy. When you don’t know where to begin, you have a hard time writing about your business.
It’s difficult to communicate to your audience when you do not understand what’s special about your brand, who your competition is or where you fit in the spectrum.
4. Branding boosts the morale of your employees
Many times, employees need a reason that motivates them to put in their best. When employees know what the mission of a business is and the reasons for its existence, they are likely to feel the same pride you feel as the business owner. They are likely to put in the same level of work and commitment as you.
A strong brand will turn your business logo into a flag your team can rally around.
When employees work for a brand that’s well-respected and they agree with your mission statement, they are likely to have higher job satisfaction and a higher degree of pride in their work.
Parting thoughts …
The importance of branding for your small business cannot be emphasised enough. Your brand positioning is an investment that will reap rich dividends in no time.
Need help with your brand identity? The Design Hive specialises in branding for start-ups and small businesses.