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Plaishets Countryside Panel designed for Parish Council

Countryside interpretation sign designed for Parish Council. The Friends of Manor Wood Community Woodland is a new broadleaved woodland between Keynsham and Saltford. Local people, contractors and voluntary groups participated in planting the woodland in stages between 1993 and 2006. The site is owned by Bath & North East Somerset Council for the public to access.

The Design Hive was given 33 stunning images of insects, birds and wild flowers to place on this country sign. It is unique in the way that it contains a vast array of images that tell a story, rather than the text interpreting the story. The number of images provided meant that the design was challenging. It is important not to overcrowd the panel and lose the beautiful meadow that sits in the background. We wanted to keep the design clean, but interesting at the same time. As you can see, that was achieved by varying the shapes and sizes of photos on a grid structure. We are extremely pleased with the Plaishets Wild Flower Meadow Countryside Interpretation panel.